The Categories:

  • Moustache
    •   Got a lip warmer? a Caterpillar? Pencil? Tom Selleck special?  Come show us your soup strainer! Styling aids allowed.
  • Creative/Whiskerina
    •   Can't grow a beard? Make one! Any materials are fair game from pipe cleaners or yarn to cutlery and heavy machinery!
  • Partial Beard   Separate categories possible pending registration
    •     Got a beard but no 'stache? Chops/burns but nothing on the chin? Only the chin? Muskateer? Here's your category**
  • Business Beard (under 3")
    •     We're beyond stubble and its well past 5 o'clock; your beard is as sharp and clean as your suit and it's not taking "no" for an answer
  • Full Beard under 6”
    •      For those who loathe putting a razor to their face in any form. **
  • Full Beard over 6”
    •      For those whose hatred of the razor has lasted much longer than their shorter-bearded counterparts. **
  • Full Beard Styled Moustache
    •      For those with a full beard who just can't resist a bit of panache with their swagger. Styling aids allowed
  • Freestyle
    •      Your beard is your canvas; sculpt, shape, paint, trim to your heart's content.  Creativity is key.  Styling aids allowed; points may be deducted for glitter.
  • The Sponsored Sprint
    •   Local breweries and businesses sponsor a single competitor to grow the best facial hair they can from a clean shave on Nov 1 until the closing event on November 30th!  
  • The About-Face**NEW**
           ​Are you ready to put your beard on the line for charity? This year we are pleased to announce a whole new way to help raise funds: the About-Face! Simply chose your pledge level and start fundraising! Ask your friends, family, and coworkers to contribute! The catch? If you don’t make your goal, you have to shave down to a “penalty” style and compete in our traditional competition. Don’t like your chances in that competition? Simply raise 150% of your goal and your beard comes away unharmed. The real winner is ACS!

    ​How does this work? Here's how we are breaking it down!

Further questions on the categories? We follow The North American Competitive Beard & Moustache Alliance rules for judging events. Follow the link below for more information!

NACBMA Category Rules

** No Styling Aids Allowed

​​​​Hosted by

In partnership with

December 7th, 2019 -  Bad Weather Brewing - St. Paul, MN